ADHD – the endless dopamine chase and ASD overwhelm

You may have noticed that I have been a little quieter online this week. This is because both Archie and I have been tussling with some of the challenges that come with our own neurological differences . For me, my ADHD has caused me to be hugely restless for a little while now ( possibly as I approach Mothers day, having lost Mum not so long ago) and my life long need for excitement. Some call this “dopermining!”

For me , this presents in the need for over eating, frantic home reorganisation or total exhaustion.

Medical research shows that heavier people ( like me) are five to ten times more likely to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than members of the general population. The link between ADHD and obesity is very real — though not yet fully understood. Certainly impulsivity, poor planning, and high-intensity emotions don’t help in the fight to lose weight, as I know from experience! Since starting my weigh loss journey I have had to find healthier ways to fulfil my ADHD cravings. Usually my work hits the spot however, I have found myself in a slump and decided to try and get myself out of it!

With the help of my oldest Son, I went and had my Septum pierced.💪 Yes, I realise that for some this sounds like a hellish idea but for me, the nerves, the excitement and thrill of a new hole in my face hits that dopamine spot 🤣

I’m sharing this because I think that its important to recognise that we are all different and need cope with things in the only way WE know how. Some people procrastinate during overwhelm, some spend, some eat, some pierce….none of which requires judgement.

For me, living with ADHD is about taking things one day at a time and excepting that I cant rest/ recoup in the same way as a neurotypical person can and that’s OK!

ASD overwhelm

Archie has had a bit of time of it too! Sadly, this week he had to come home from school after just 2 hours as he was just so overwhelmed and upset. There were no issues at school, no drama, no illness just complete, debilitating overwhelm. I also must stress that the team at his specialist school are INCREDIBLE and we are so thankful for their support!

His overwhelm, known as Autistic burnout’ is the intense physical, mental or emotional exhaustion, often accompanied by a loss of skills, that many people with autism experience. Archie is usually great at communicating but in these moments he is often very withdrawn and non- verbal. Its seems clear to me that this results mainly from the cumulative effect of having to navigate a world that is designed for neurotypical people. THIS IS SO TOUGH!
Like many aspects of autism, burnout varies from person to person. Some people experience it as an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. They may have more difficulty managing their emotions than usual and be prone to outbursts of sadness or anger. Burnout may manifest as intense anxiety or contribute to depression or worryingly, suicidal thoughts. It may involve an increase in stimming, increased sensitivity to sensory input or difficulty with change.

So we hope that by sharing the information in this post we will encourage you to recognise the REAL seriousness and impact of overwhelm from both the ADHD and ASD perspective. If a day off is needed then THATS OK!!! Do whatever you need to do for yourself as a parent / carer or your loved ones!

As Temple Grandin often says, ” we are different, not less!”